Thursday, 12 June 2008

Dumbed Down Life 025

Lance and Darren a little more upbeat than recent weeks! We have some fantastic music this week and lots and lots to talk about.

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1. Intro / Outro Music
Snubnosed Aardvark - Derek K Miller

2. Song 1
DJEarworm - Funky Goes To Hollywood

3. Lance Topic
Interview with Ben and Domanic. Winners of the UK round of the Imagine cup

4. Promo
Digital Flotsam

5. Song 2
Brad Sucks - Dirtbag

6. Daz Topic
Brad Sucks website and finding the music from
a soft porn site.

7. Song 3
Carlos Bertonatti - Curiosity Killed The Cat

8. Daz Topic 2
BMW Gina

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ok, so......the intro song blend of play that funky music and relax was fabulous! Lance's contribution....not sure?

Good luck to the lads who are the finalists in the Microsoft contest. As i listened i realized just how different my generation was. We entered contests where we could see just how much energy we could consume!
