Tuesday, 8 July 2008

Dumbed Down Life 028

This week we talk, and talk, and talk complete bollocks (quite literally), privacy, U.S. independence amongst other things.

  1. Intro / Outro MusicSnubnosed Aardvark - Derek K Miller
  2. Song 1 Parachute Musical - One more Song
  3. Doug Topic - Privacy
    (Edit: Flickr of course is owned by Yahoo not Google, though with all the merger talk going on who knows what will be owned by what at the time you're reading this?)

  4. Darren Topic - Do they have 4th July in the UK?
  5. Song 2 Robin Tymm - Big Skyhttp://www.myspace.com/robintymm
  6. Daz Topic - Hoffspace
  7. Daz Topic - Nail Biting Cliff Hangers
  8. Song 3 The Volume Brothers - Having a Hard Time Having a Good Time
  9. Doug Topic - talking bollocks!http://www.netdoctor.co.uk/menshealth/facts/checkingtesticles.htm

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