Friday, 5 September 2008


Doug and I had a discussion after the show last night and we think we want to try to improve the show a little. Currently we all separately decide on a topic and then arrange the show so each of us have a specific slot for our section.

The last few shows I personally have really struggled with my topic and this has resulted in a fairly flat show. the same thing happened last night.

When we stream live we generally go back on air once the show has been recorded and chat amongst ourselves and just mess around, talking to the people in the chat room on our website ( Last night the fun really kicked in during the after-show party and I think that was more fun and more engaging than the show itself.

I think it's come to a stage now that we are all very comfortable with the idea of broadcasting and we now need to work on getting the show to sound a little more professional and yet more free flowing at the same time. There are too many times where we pause or um and err which isn't great but we also have a tendency to geek out too much with tech related stuff.

I feel that the idea of the show was to be a light hearted look at life and that is slowly being lost with the need to find a "topic". I would like the show to sound much more like three guys chewing the fat down the pub, broken up with music and little soundbites etc........

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